Debt instruments and ratings
The underlying objective of Sampo plc is to maintain a strong but efficient balance sheet, a well-diversified debt structure, relatively low leverage and strong liquidity in order for the company to be able to arrange financing for strategic projects if needed. Strong liquidity and the ability to acquire financing are essential factors in maintaining Sampo Group’s strategic flexibility. The Group will target a financial leverage below 30 per cent.
Management of the debt instruments
Sampo Group's funding consists of senior debt instruments and subordinated obligations eligible for Solvency Capital.
Sampo plc's subsidiaries conducting P&C insurance businesses do not use senior debt as a source of funding. However, they use subordinated obligations as part of their solvency capital in accordance with internal capitalization targets and in compliance with regulatory rules. Maturities and other terms of such liabilities are largely determined by regulatory rules and by rating agencies' criteria.
For Sampo plc, bonds issued within EMTN programme are the main sources of funding. Sampo can also issue commercial papers and has established a commercial paper programme with Nordic banks for issuances in Finland, where the market is active and relatively large. In addition, Sampo plc may issue private placements with separate documentation. Loans and revolving credit facilities may also be used as a funding and liquidity management tool.
Diversification over maturities is sought to mitigate refinancing risk. Sampo plc mainly issues in EUR, but the EMTN programme allows also issuances in other currencies.
Information on the debt Instruments issued by Sampo plc
31 December 2024
Instrument | Nominal, EURm | Coupon, % | Maturity |
Senior Bond | 162 | 1.250 | 30 May 2025 |
Senior Bond | 313 | 1.625 | 21 Feb 2028 |
Senior Bond | NOKm 1,000 | 3.100 | 7 Sep 2028 |
Hybrid Tier 2 Bond under separate documentation | 500 | 3.375 | 23 May 2029 |
Senior Bond | 397 | 2.25 | 27 Sep 2030 |
Hybrid Tier2 Bond | 1,000 | 2.50 | 3 Sep 2032 |
Debt instruments by maturity
31 December 2024
Debt key figures
31 December 2024
Sampo Group | Key figures |
IFRS equity, EURm | 7,059 |
Hybrid bonds, EURm | 1,642 |
Senior debt, EURm | 954 |
Financial leverage, %* | 26.9 |