Sampo plc has a Managing Director who is simultaneously the Group CEO of Sampo Group. Sampo Group Executive Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors.
Sampo Group CEO
The Board of Directors elects and releases the Group CEO and decides on the terms of service and other remuneration.
The Group CEO of Sampo Group is in charge of the daily management of Sampo plc, subject to the instructions and control of the Board of Directors. The Group CEO is empowered to take extraordinary and broad-ranging actions, taking into account the scope and nature of Sampo plc's operations, only upon authorisation by the Board of Directors. The Group CEO ensures the legal compliance of Sampo plc's accounting and the trustworthy organization of asset management.
The Managing Director of Sampo plc and the CEO of Sampo Group is Mr. Torbjörn Magnusson.
Sampo Group Executive Committee
The Board of Directors has appointed the Sampo Group Executive Committee, which supports the Group CEO in the preparation of strategic issues relating to Sampo Group, in the handling of operating matters that are significant or involve questions of principle, and in ensuring a good internal flow of information.
The Group Executive Committee addresses especially the following: Sampo Group's strategy, profit development, large purchases and projects, the Group's structure and organisation, as well as key strategic issues pertaining to administration and personnel.