Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held annually to present information regarding the company's performance and to deal with such matters as adopting the previous year's income statement and balance sheet, setting the dividend and its payment, and appointing members of the Board of Directors and the Auditor.
The Annual General Meeting of Sampo plc took place at the company’s headquarters in Helsinki on 19 May 2021 under special arrangements due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The AGM decided to distribute a dividend of EUR 1.70 per share. The meeting adopted the financial accounts for 2020 and discharged the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for the financial year. In addition, the AGM accepted the Remuneration Report for Governing Bodies. 2,479 shareholders representing 330,774,332 shares and 335,574,332 votes were represented at the AGM.
Release on decisions
The decisions of the Sampo plc Annual General Meeting were published with a Stock Exchange Release on the day of the Annual General Meeting.
Minutes of the AGM
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting were published on 19 May 2021.
The Annual General Meeting decided to distribute a dividend of EUR 1.70 per share for 2020.
- Dividend record date, 21 May 2021
- Dividend payment date, 28 May 2021
Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting elected the following eight members to the Board of Directors:
- Christian Clausen
- Fiona Clutterbuck
- Georg Ehrnrooth
- Jannica Fagerholm
- Johanna Lamminen
- Risto Murto
- Markus Rauramo
- Björn Wahlroos
Board of Directors' proposals
Shareholders' questions
A shareholder may ask questions pursuant to Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Finnish Companies Act on topics included in the meeting agenda. Sampo received four questions from shareholders.