Composition of the Board of Directors

Sampo plc's Board of Directors is appointed on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The current members of the Board were elected at the AGM held on 25 April 2024. Releases related to managers' transactions are available in the release archive.internal link

Antti Mäkinen

Chair of the Board, born 1961, male

Jannica Fagerholm

Vice Chair of the Board, born 1961, female

Christian Clausen

Board member, born 1955, male

Georg Ehrnrooth

Board member, born 1966, male

Steve Langan

Board member, born 1960, male

Risto Murto

Board member, born 1963, male

Markus Rauramo

Board member, born 1968, male

Astrid Stange

Board member, born 1965, female

Annica Witschard

Board member, born 1973, female
