Sampo Group provides a range of interesting career opportunities for experts in different fields and in a number of countries. Information about vacancies is available on the websites of the group companies.
No vacancies.
Sampo plc advertises its job openings on this website and the most common job listing platforms, as well as occasionally on its social media channels:
Some positions are filled through direct search.
You can also send an open application to hr@sampo.fi. In your application, please specify the types of roles you are interested in at Sampo and provide details about your previous work experience. We keep open applications for one year and will get back to you if suitable job opportunities become available.
If a career at If P&C interests you, please find further information about vacancies on If P&C's country sites.
If a career at Hastings interests you, please find further information about vacancies on Hastings' site.
Application process
Our application process generally includes a job application, 2-3 interviews, and suitability assessments. The recruiting supervisor and an HR representative participate in the application process.
Please note that all Sampo email addresses end with the domain sampo.com or sampo.fi. Beware of hoaxes.
Job and internship opportunities for students
Sampo plc currently does not have a formal summer job or internship program, but individual summer job or internship positions are occasionally available. We announce these on the most common job advertisement platforms.
If you are interested in completing an internship or working at the Sampo Group during the summer, we recommend following the open positions of our subsidiaries or contacting them directly.
Nordic trainee programme | Ifexternal link
Thesis projects with Sampo
Sampo is happy to support students in completing their studies. If you need an interview for your thesis, you can contact us by email at hr@sampo.fi. We announce possible thesis assignments on Aarresaariexternal link and on the distribution lists of educational institutions.