Analyst information

The Sampo share is covered by over 20 Nordic and international analysts. Consensus estimates are usually updated 1-2 weeks before and after every quarterly result.

  • 8,386

    Insurance revenue, net, incl. brokerage (EURm)

  • 1,316

    Underwriting result (EURm)

  • 84.3

    Combined ratio (%)

  • 1,559

    Profit before taxes (P&C operations) (EURm)

  • 0.45

    Earnings per share (EUR)*

  • 0.47

    Operating EPS (EUR)*

* Adjusted for share split 2025


Our website offers tools with information on our key figures, analysts and their recommendations, as well as shares and shareholders.

Financial reporting

Sampo Group publishes two Interim Statements, a Half-Year Financial Report and a Full-Year Result Release on an annual basis. The Financial Statement is published with other annual reporting documents usually in March or April.

Analyst materials

Materials and presentations for analysts to support their forecast models.

Contact us 

Sami Taipalus

Head of Investor Relations

+358 10 516 0030

Image: Mirko Hurmerinta

Mirko Hurmerinta

Investor Relations Manager

+358 10 516 0032