Frequently asked investor questions

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Sampo was listed on Helsinki Stock Exchange, known today Nasdaq Helsinki, on 14 January 1988. In addition, Sampo has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2022 and on Nasdaq Copenhagen since 2024.

The Sampo AGM is usually held in April-May. Notice to the AGM will be published, at the latest, three weeks before the AGM as a stock exchange release and on Sampo's website.

Annual General Meetingsinternal link

If's competitors are all Nordic P&C insurance companies and many of them operate locally only in one country. Main competitors are OP and LähiTapiola in Finland, LF and Folksam in Sweden and Tryg and Gjensidige in Norway. In Denmark, the main competitors are Tryg and Alm. Brand.

All kind of risks that cause turbulence in the fixed income and stock markets affect Sampo Groups investment activities. From an operational point of view, political risks in our home markets, in the Nordics are relatively small. Main risks are potential changes in taxation and regulation in the finance sector.

Sampo has detailed plans in case of changes in personnel when the time comes.

Especially If has very large weight in fixed income. It can be explained by two factors: dividends and credit rating. When it comes to return on equity, our objective is to keep If's balance sheet light and efficient. However, at the same time, the high credit rating and ability to pay large dividends require strong solvency. Thus, the risk profile of If's investment portfolio must be low. In addition, the group level profit performance benefits from the fact that If's profit is based on successful risk assessment and pricing i.e. underwriting rather than profits from investments.

Vast amount of Sampo’s investments are fixed income investments. Thus, rising interest rates would increase returns when assets are re-invested in fixed income. In addition, higher rates would lead to higher discount rates for technical provisions.

Very high inflation would create pressure on profitability as the increase in claims costs cannot be passed on to insurance prices in the middle of contract periods. So-called “normal” inflation does not have a large impact on business as If takes inflation trend into account in its pricing. In addition, as a large company, If has a good negotiating position and long-term contracts with its partners, which provides stability and predictability on the cost side.

Geographically we prefer the Nordic countries, where we know the markets, companies and people. Other main principle is that we like to keep our investments and technical reserves in substantially the same currency in order to avoid extra currency risk.
