Sampo Group’s investments in the financial sector - Q&A
Update on 20 March 2023:
Does Sampo have any exposure on Credit Suisse?
Sampo does not hold any Credit Suisse equity or AT1 debt, but has a small amount of senior bonds issued by Credit Suisse.
How much AT1 debt does Sampo hold?
If and Mandatum hold around EUR 180 million of AT1 debt, almost all issued by Nordic banks.
Original blog entry on 13 March 2023:
Due to the current turmoil mainly regarding certain US banks, we briefly address the questions related to Sampo Group’s investments in the US financial sector.
What is Sampo’s fixed income exposure to the US financial sector?
At the end of 2022, Sampo Group’s total fixed income investments were EUR 17.7 billion, mostly in the Nordics. Of the total fixed income portfolio, approximately 2 per cent was invested in the US financial sector. This mainly consists of long-term senior bonds in the very largest US financial institutions. Sampo has no fixed income exposure to the US regional or technology/startup focused banks.
What is Sampo’s equity exposure to the US financial sector?
At the end of 2022, Sampo Group’s total listed equity investments were EUR 2.9 billion, mostly in the Nordics. Of the total listed equity portfolio, approximately 9 per cent was invested in North America. The equity exposure to the US financial sector is very limited, with no exposure to the US regional or technology/startup focused banks.