
This section contains our releases, photos, company logos and glossary, as well as our media contact details. If you can't find what you need in this Media room, you're welcome to get in touch!

Disclosure Policy

view the PDF file

The Disclosure Policy describes the key principles and procedures according to which Sampo communicates with the capital markets.



The glossary includes the most essential property and casualty insurance and life insurance terminology as well as financial statement's terms and risk management terms used in Sampo Group.

Contact us

Image: Maria Silander

Maria Silander

Communications Manager, Media Relations

+358 10 516 0031

Please contact our Communications Manager Maria Silander in case of interview requests for the Sampo Group executive management and other matters related to Sampo.

  • 8,386

    Insurance revenue, net, incl. brokerage (EURm)

  • 1,316

    Underwriting result (EURm)

  • 84.3

    Combined ratio (%)

  • 1,559

    Profit before taxes (P&C operations) (EURm)

  • 2.25

    Earnings per share (EUR)

  • 2.33

    Operating EPS (EUR)