Sampo's Christmas donation supports SOS Children's Villages


Sampo plc's Christmas donation has been given to SOS Children's Villages, an association that helps children and families. A donation of EUR 10,000 has been made to the association.

- The number of children and families who need support is growing in Finland, says Jari Ketola, Managing Director of SOS Children's Villages in Finland.

- The prolonged downturn in public economy has increased families' need for support. The focus must be on preventive efforts and on increasing the support provided by non-profit organisations. Sampo's donation to SOS Children's Villages contributes to these efforts. At the same time, it sets an example of comprehensive corporate social responsibility, says Ketola.

SOS Children's Villages aims to help children and their families who are in need of support, for example, through family rehabilitation and foster family care. There are currently six SOS Children's Villages in Finland, as well as one SOS Youth Home. The association additionally helps children in Children's Villages around the world through its sponsor programme. The association is active in 134 countries.

- SOS Children's Villages carries out very important work to improve children's future, and we want to do our part to support that work, says Jarmo Salonen, Sampo's Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications.

Sampo plc has traditionally donated the money reserved for sending Christmas cards to various charitable organisations in support of the work they carry out for the public good.

Sampo plc
Investor Relations and Group Communications

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