Sampo plc has updated the Group’s sustainability programme


Sampo Group has a sustainability programme, which drives group-level sustainability work. The programme consists of strategic sustainability themes and the most material sustainability topics that have been identified for each theme. The programme also links the sustainability work to the business operations of the Group companies by highlighting business rationale and common areas of interest, as well as the impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

The sustainability programme is intended as a common tool and guideline for the Group companies’ sustainability organisations. The sustainability programme evolves, as common projects are completed and targets reached, or new priorities emerge.

During 2021, representatives from all Sampo Group companies reviewed the sustainability programme. As a result of the review, a fifth theme called Products and services was added to better highlight the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in underwriting, responsible product and service offering, and sustainability in supply chains, for example.

Regulatory requirements regarding current and future sustainability reporting, industry best practices, relevant reporting frameworks (e.g., the GRI Standards, the TCFD), and the views of various ESG rating agencies were also considered during the review process.

All themes and topics of Sampo Group’s current sustainability programme are presented in the infographic Strategic sustainability themes and objectives. A more detailed version of the programme is available internally. In addition to the elements shown in the infographic, the internal version includes detailed activities under each theme, targets for the activities, an overall timetable, and a division of responsibilities between Sampo plc and the Group companies.

Strategic sustainability themes and objectives, Sampo Group