Business management and practices
Sampo Group's governance rests on the idea that Sampo plc, as the parent company of the Group, provides the subsidiaries with a framework of general principles within which the parent company expects the subsidiaries to organise and carry out their businesses.
Sampo Group's general principles guide the company's operations. These principles are manifested in the Sampo Group Code of Conduct, Risk Management Principles, Remuneration Principles, and Compliance Principles, which form the core of Sampo Group's internal governance framework. In addition, Sampo Group has other group-level policies and guidelines that apply to all Group companies. The principles are reviewed annually and approved by Sampo plc’s Board of Directors.
On the basis of and in compliance with the group-wide framework, each subsidiary designs and implements supplementary company-specific policies, and governance and risk management frameworks, which steer, limit, and control all operations. Each individual Group company is responsible for following up and monitoring that the policies are complied with.
Related information:
- Sustainable insurance operationsinternal link
- Sustainable supply chain managementinternal link
- Responsible investmentinternal link
- Data privacyinternal link
- Information security and cybersecurityinternal link
- Anti-corruption and briberyinternal link
- Anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorist financinginternal link
- Tax footprintinternal link
- Political involvement and lobbyinginternal link
- Grievance proceduresinternal link