Sustainability governance
Sampo Group is committed to developing the sustainability of the Group, as well as the related reporting, indicators, and targets. This is in the interests of, and expected by, the company's stakeholders.
Sampo plc’s Board of Directors is responsible for and has the ultimate oversight of group-level sustainability, containing the entire range of environmental (incl. climate change), social, and governance (ESG) matters. The board has assigned its Audit Committee to monitor Sampo Group’s sustainability reporting (e.g. reporting according to the CSRD, including the double materiality assessment) and activities (e.g. sustainability programme). The annually published sustainability reporting and the annually updated Sampo Group Code of Conduct are reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. Sustainability is also regularly on the agenda of the Audit Committee and/or the Board meetings. Sustainability-related questions are included in the performance evaluation of Sampo plc’s Board of Directors to increase the board-level focus on these matters. The self-assessment is independent and completed annually.
The Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who is a member of the Sampo Group Executive Committee, directs Sampo plc’s Sustainability unit. The CFO also ensures that adequate reporting on sustainability matters is provided to the Group CEO.
The Sustainability unit of Sampo plc, led by the Head of Sustainability, is responsible for the development and coordination of sustainability at group level. The unit prepares the sustainability reporting and the sustainability programme, which sets the direction for the Group’s sustainability work. In addition, the unit sets schedules and requests, provides guidance to the subsidiaries, and organises regular sustainability meetings.
At each subsidiary, various business areas, operational departments, and units are actively involved in the Group’s sustainability endeavours and reporting. Group-level sustainability reporting is largely based on information provided by the subsidiary companies according to formats and schedules defined by Sampo plc’s Sustainability unit. Each subsidiary is responsible for its respective reporting to the parent company to ensure correctness of information. In addition to group-level sustainability governance, each Group company has its own internal governance structures.
Sustainability organisation and reporting structure