Sustainability programme

Sampo Group has a sustainability programme, which drives group-level sustainability work.

Sampo Group’s sustainability programme consists of three strategic sustainability themes: Climate and environment, People and Communities, and Business management and practices. Under each theme the most material sustainability topics have been identified. They link to Sampo Group’s business and strategy and are seen as important by the Group’s various stakeholders.

Representatives from all Sampo Group companies have been involved in drafting the programme. In addition, regulatory requirements regarding current and future sustainability reporting (e.g. CSRD), feedback from investors and personnel, industry best practices, relevant reporting frameworks (e.g., the GRI Standards, the TCFD), and the views of various ESG rating agencies have been taken into account.

The sustainability programme is intended as a common tool and guideline for Sampo Group’s sustainability work. The programme evolves, as projects are completed and targets reached, or new priorities emerge. Every three years the programme undergoes a bigger update.

Sustainability programme
Sampo Group
